Many of you find the fundraising aspect of the 24h a challenge. But always keep this in mind: collecting donations makes a real difference. Last May 18, Fondation Charles-Bruneau thanked Tremblant’s 24h by pointing out the importance of our contributions (we have handed over more than $8 million since the start of our partnership) and it is thanks to you, dear participants, that the Fondation was able to make a $22 million pledge to the CHU Sainte-Justine, becoming the largest donor in the hospital’s history. And you helped write that particular page of history!

Because hope lies in the search for cures, the funding will support research at the new Charles-Bruneau immuno-hemato-oncology unit, where leading researchers are working on tomorrow’s medical breakthroughs.

Thanks to you, we’re getting closer to seeing Charles’s dream come true: “When I grow up, I will be cured!”

Tremblant’s 24h is proud to have contributed to this cause for 14 years on behalf of kids living with cancer.

Thank you for being there with us.